We live in a world which is rapidly developing in terms of technology and science. What seemed to be a far fetched thing yesterday, today happens on a press of a button. I remeber when I got my first phone I was more excited about the fact that I had a phone all by myself. I didn’t had to run to the landline to take my call all the time. My calls were coming to me directly without being routed by someone else. It restored my privacy and I was on cloud nine with that basic phone.
Smartness in phones came gradually for me, it wasn’t a sudden change or instant realization. I used to get thrilled and excited with every new and smart feature that my phone kept offering me. Being an IT person I was quite aware and familiar with the advancement and growth with which the phones were blooming. The real fun started when these smart phones made an entry in my mother’s life. She was very excited as she had heard a lot about the features and benefits of a smart phone.
My mother recently bought a new Moto E to enter into the world of smart phones. When I asked her how do you #ChooseToStart using your new smart phone, she just smiled and said, ” I want to make it fun and exciting”. She had her hopes as high as the sky. Thanks to the new Moto E and its exiting features, she wasn’t disappointed at all. Her start wasn’t as smooth as we expected because she was having a hard time getting used to of the touch screen. With a 4.5 inches screen she would accidentally touch here and there and miracles would happen on the screen. But in no time she got used to of it.
All my family members are a part of a very popular messenger available on smart phones. She would always whine that she didn’t get any update and any picture on time. So she started with the installation of that messenger on her phone. The application store of Moto E offers a wide range of applications which would be available on your phone just on a press. The next she wanted to get rid of checking her Facebook on the laptop, so installation of Facebook app was next in line. She then installed few more social media apps, which she had seen in my smart phone.

She was so engrossed in all the social media apps that she didn’t even realize that she now had a camera in her phone. There were many times when we used to click pictures and send to each other to show our shopping or take approval for buying. She was always deprived of this facility. In the middle of everything I told her, ” Maa you have a camera in your phone” and she smiled ear to ear. Then we started clicking pictures of each other. With a 5-megapixel back camera and a 0.3 megapixel front camera the new Moto E has done wonders for my mother. We took unlimited selfies, and she recorded many high definition videos on it too.

Next she started with exploring the music and movie options. Coming from an era of just radio she had a gala time listening to all the new numbers. I also transferred few of her all time favorite movies in the phone which she could watch at any time. With a screen resolution of 960 x 540 (qHD) the new Moto E offers you unbeatable picture quality. She was happy that she would be now listening to the songs of her choices rather than the famous Radio Jockeys.

With so many added features and applications the new Moto E lived up to all the expectations. I was happy that my mother’s first smartphone experience would be cherished all her life. She then jumped on to the exploration of the online world in her phone. She learnt how to pay her bills from her phone and next I knew she was on to all the online shopping websites and their related apps. I never knew she was such a quick learner but given the time she just amazed me with her skills. I noticed that she was doing so many things as the same time but the phone was still at ease and there wasn’t any issue with the processing. The new Moto E comes with 1.2GHz quad-core Snapdragon 410 processor which makes the phone go smooth. While she was busy in her online world I was relieved that I made a good choice.

My mom had a fun time exploring all the features of her new smart phone. For more information about this phone and its extraordinary features, do visit http://www.startwithmotoe.com/.
Sounds like your mom is better than most with their first smart phone. I think I’m daily having to teach my mom how to do something new. So kudos to you!
Yes she is. She is way smarter and wiser than anyone of her age.