Good shoes take you to good places. I completely believe in this adage. When I meet someone the first thing that I carefully observe is not their clothes, accessories but their shoes. For me a good pair of shoes is always a good start and leaves a positive impression. So when I got the chance to witness the art of shoe making from Alberto Torresi, I instantly nodded in agreement and said a yes.
I along with few more bloggers were invited to the manufacturing unit of a leading shoe brand Alberto Torresi in Agra. We left early in the morning and reached pretty much in the stipulated time. We entered the premises of Virola Shoes Pvt. Ltd and then we were guided to the conference room where we were supposed to meet the Mr. Ishaan Sachdeva. While we were waiting for him we did a little sneaking in the showroom and had a look at their collection. The room was full of shoes, boots, loafers and all other kinds of footwear that you can imagine. The collection was dominated by men’s footwear with comparatively lesser options for women.

I was amazed with the finesse and the world class craftsmanship. Each and every pair of shoe was an example of their intricate work with attention to the minutest of the details. The perfect stitch, the polish, the leather, the sole, the touch, the look and the feel were clearly a sign of a unique shoe engineering.
While there were numerous options for men there were some amazing boots for women. I couldn’t take my eyes off few of them. Boots were available in all sorts of heels like block heels, Stilettos and wedges. The leather finish and tan shades made the boots look more classy and elegant. Every pattern and model that you can imagine in your head was present under that roof. It was a paradise.

After spending some quality time with the footwear it was the time to meet the man behind these master creations, Mr. Ishaan Sachdeva. Mr. Ishaan Sachdeva is a dynamic and visionary entrepreneur who revolutionized his family business of shoes Virola Shoes Pvt. Ltd and launched Alberto Torresi in 2010. When asked why shoes why not something else he smiled and said I have spent all my childhood roaming in these shoe factories and I always wanted to do something to make it bigger and better and hence the brand Alberto Torresi came into existence.

Mr. Ishaan Sachdeva spent an year in Germany learning the art of shoe making and exploring the opportunities around the technological advancement in the shoe industry. He and his team also did an extensive survey across India to know more about their customer’s expectations and preferences. We all got very curious with his eventful journey and like they say curiosity often leads to trouble and this time he was the one who was in trouble with questions being bombarded from everywhere. Few of highlights from the question answer session are :
- Don’t confuse shoes with accessories, they are as important as your apparels.
- Men’s range is launched first because they offer more organized sales.
- Women might buy more but brand loyalty comes from men.
- A shoe with good fit and balance will always be comfortable.
- The shoe making has to be as per the consumer base.
- Promoting more and more smart techniques like ‘Stress less’ , ‘multi density’, ‘Impact system’, ‘Memory technology’ to redefine the footwear experience like never before.
After the long question and answer session it was time to witness the shoe making in real. We then headed to the shoe factory to experience the live shoe engineering show. It was a different world altogether and that is when I realized how much it actually takes to produce one pair of shoe. There were different stations and intricate machines to do different tasks. The assembly line helped the workers in arranging the shoes in order. The balanced blend of technology and human creativity has brought the most premium quality and sleek design in the history of footwear. Come have a virtual tour of the shoe factory.
I enjoyed the factory tour to bits. At times I was amazed and at times I was taken by surprise as to how much skill is invested in making a pair of shoe. It was a visual delight.
Have you spotted an Alberto Toressi shoe in the market yet, if not then the next time you are out to shop watch out for them. They are also available online with leading online shopping websites along with their own website, check out their collection here.
Aaah…so painful!! LOL…not being there is painful..but loved reading about this )
Glad you liked it 🙂
What a unique and interesting experience. I always love learning how things are made.
Absolutely! I felt the same way.