Home Editorial Muse Real togetherness results in happiness.

Real togetherness results in happiness.

Real togetherness results in happiness.

Happiness is a state of mind. It is what you have right now not what you plan for the next six months or the next week for the matter of fact. Happiness is a very subjective aspect of life, what might make someone very happy might not affect a person at all. I remember writing “To be happy and content in my life” as the objective in my resume, and yes it later on raised a lot of eyebrows. The objective in your resume should be professional and not personal. I didn’t find my objective personal, I thought it was eternal. The explanation of it not being an eligible objective didn’t make any sense to me but yes I did change it to the boring and conventional objectives that you read every day in resumes.

Family and friends are the major source of my happiness. A chirpy and lively call from home makes my happiness go leaps and bounds. Even after a hectic day at work a 5 min call from mom or dad makes me relieved and stress free. A ten minutes of whatsapp session with my sister makes me smile ear to ear. Family cannot be always with you and hence comes the significance of friends as the source of happiness. A person with many friends is often find happier than those who have fewer, statistics says that, I don’t believe in it though. However the more the merrier doesn’t always holds good in this case. They say “If you laugh really loud, talk spontaneously and you don’t care what your face looks like then you are probably with your real friends”, so having one real friend is more important than having hundreds of just another friends.

I am very close to my family. I have had a good bunch of friends but I have lost most of them because of certain decisions that I took in my life. I still wish well for them. However I know my one source of happiness, my family isn’t going to go anywhere. They will stand by me like a wall no matter what. Going home and be together with my family is the real togetherness for me. Not having to pretend that I am someone else, not caring about how my hair looks, not bothering what I am wearing and not thinking too much about what I say, If I can do all of these with a bunch of people then this is the real togetherness for me. Getting back to a group of people who are connected by hearts not by intentions and motives is called a real get together. It can be with family or friends.

For me a relaxing evening with my family and few close friends is “Real Togetherness”. What is real togetherness for you?

Kissan is also discovering the real joy of togetherness, to know more about it visit http://www.kissanpur.com




  1. Wow Ruby you wrote it so simply and yet it touched all the strings of my heart. Especially the bit about losing out on friends… we all have been through this… and family is the only constant in the chaos that is left behind. No?

  2. hi ruby, i stumbled upon your blog by chance, but the first few lines about your thought on happiness struck me. and then the part of losing friends. this article is almost a mirror image of my own life right now.
    i’m far away for my wife, son and parents. i want to quit my job and go back to them, dunno how. i had friends whom i helped so much and who looked like they’d take a bullet for me. alas, they’ve all deserted me and here i am uncertain about my job, alone in a room, stumbling upon your blog and commenting on it. at least i could relate to your thoughts even though i have absolutely no idea who you are.


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