The weekend just flew and it is going to be Sunday midnight in sometime. Well what did I do this weekend, nothing great and nothing extraordinary. Like the whole of NCR was migrating to some or the other touristy destination I also decided to step out from my cozy bed. So where did I go and where is this post heading to? It was an impulsive decision and without thinking much we made our way towards Rajasthan. Now you must be wondering where in Rajasthan and why can’t she get to the point in one go. So without further ado we went to Bhangarh Fort and then to Sariska Tiger Reserve. Why these two places, truth to be told these two only looked feasible considering the long weekend prior bookings. So I knew an exciting weekend was in store but never did I know that I would be taking a plunge into the past too. Even though I am tired to bits and my eyelids are heavy as hell but still I cannot end this day without flipping through the pages of past.
So what was it, did I meet someone, or I saw something, or something happened which took me to the past or someone said something which made me ponder over the past. I don’t know maybe none and maybe all of it. Yes it is confusing and mind boggling but that’s how it is, not everything makes sense in this not so perfect world.

Getting back to the track the weekend was about a lot of exploration as well as a lot of reminiscing. Very seldom we get time to sit, think and talk about the past, how naive we were, how stupid we acted, how wise we could have been and how things would have been entirely upside down today. These realization not only make you critical about yourself but they also make you learn so much about yourself. If I look back I see how weak and vulnerable I was but today I feel just the opposite. I am strong enough to sit and talk about my past, discuss where things went right, where the situations went haywire and where I acted as the biggest jackass of the world.
To make mistakes is human; to stumble is commonplace; to be able to laugh at yourself is maturity ∼ William Arthur Ward
Just like the past exposes mistakes and weakness, present unveils the maturity and mettle. I have come back light hearted, satiated and relieved as if I have shed the world’s weight off my shoulder. This weekend wasn’t just rich in experience it was mentally rejuvenating too.

Have you felt like this ever before? Drop in your comments I am all ears.
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Good one!!
Well written! Loved the image and quotes. Wish to read more in the future.
Do read my blog too and share your views here >> http://bit.ly/1OtjCII
Thank you Amreen, I am a regular reader of your blog. 🙂
Traveling brings out this introspective side in you! Lovely post! 🙂
So true Aditi, thank you for the read.