Goa Beyond Beer and Baga !
Just the word Goa brings a huge smile on everyone’s face. It is synonymous to celebrations, holiday and fun times. There will always be a person in your group whose idea of celebration is going to Goa and getting drunk. I visited Goa in 2012 with a bunch of friends. It was my first visit and since then I have been planning for the second one. If you are wondering why a second one that is because you can never have enough of Goa. There is no cap on the number of times you would like to visit Goa. Usually for other destinations you might say, we have been there let’s plan for some other place but that’s just now how it goes for Goa. Everyone’s always game for Goa baby.
Back in 2012 I was in Bangalore and we took a sleeper bus to Goa and to my surprise the bus journey went very smooth. We reached right on the estimated time. We were putting up in a small hotel which was very close to Baga beach. There is no dearth of Hotels in Goa and one can easily find one in their budget. It was my first time in Goa and I did all the touristy things. I did parasailing on Baga beach, roamed around on a rented bike, posed at the Aguada fort, drank by the beach and other cliched things. I came back happy and content from the trip but today I want more from Goa. There is a part of me which wants to explore the Goa which is beyond booze and Baga beach.
I am sure you are scratching your head thinking what more this female wants to do there because Goa is all about getting drunk by the beach. But trust me when I say this there is more to Goa. Since past six months I have done a lot of reading around Goa and I have realized that I haven’t seen even a bit of the real Goa. All I have seen is the commercialized part of Goa. Since the realizations have hit hard I have a total new things to do list in Goa for my next visit and they aren’t any glamorous and trite like the other cliched activities.
On my next visit I want to explore more of South Goa and wander less in North Goa. I want to rent a bike and ride amid the green paddy fields and search for quiet and secluded beaches. They have such hidden beaches all you have to do it spend some time looking for it patiently. I want to wake up early and watch the sunrise, the last time I was so sloshed that I could barely open my eyes at that hour of the morning. I want to pay a visit to the villages of Goa. I want to go and talk to the ladies selling fishes in the the local fish market of those villages. I want to talk to them and find out if that fish smell actually doesn’t go at all. I know the list might not appeal to a lot of people just like I warned at the outset but that’s what the plan is. Until I see you next, Saayonara with my favorite picture from the trip.
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