Ever since I had come back from Dhanushkodhi, Sri Lanka keeps popping up everywhere. What’s the connection if you ask, when I was wandering through a small village in Dhanushkodhi, a local told me that Sri Lanka is just 15 kilometres from there. Intrigued by the information I looked at the vastness of the Indian Ocean hoping to spot some bits of the country. After the trip got over a close friend went to Sri Lanka, after that another and then recently I read a book which revolves around Ravana and his life in Sri Lanka.
I keep telling myself that these are omens and I am destined to visit this neighbouring country as soon as possible. I happen to mention my desire of visiting Sri Lanka to which the most common reply was, can’t you think of a better country. There are no videsh (foreign) vibes there. I have my own reasons why this country is so high on my list. So, the next time someone raises an eyebrow over my choice, this post will be the answer: