When I started blogging, I never knew there was an intricate side to it as well. I thought it was all about pouring your heart out and hitting the publish button. But as I delved deeper and started exploring the commercial side of blogging a different picture came up.  I realized there is so much more to blogging than just writing and publishing. There are many technical factors which determine the global positioning of your blog. Domain authority, Page authority, page views, unique page views and what not. As bloggers, how well the Google ranks our blog is of utmost importance. And these technical jargons hold a lot of significance in ranking the blog on the google search. One such important parameter is Alexa rank. I took the #MyFriendAlexa challenge last year in collaboration with Blogchatter. And the challenge helped my blog profoundly in improving the numbers of all the aforementioned factors.


Before anything, if you are wondering what Alexa rank is?

Let me enlighten you, it is a global ranking system that utilizes web traffic data to compile a list of the most popular websites. The lower your Alexa rank, the more popular (for example, a site with the rank of 1 has the most visitors on the internet). As part of last year’s challenge, my Alexa rank dropped by 50000, which, trust me is a huge figure. As I gear up for this year’s Alexa challenge I wanted to urge all my blogger friends to join this crusade of taking your blog to the next level. If you are still wondering why then the list goes as under:

  • Hike in daily visitor/page view count:

As part of this challenge, all the participants are required to read and share other blogger’s posts. Since the participant count is quite high hence it automatically increases the page views of your blog. I still remember, till date my blog’s maximum page view is from my last #MyFriendAlexa challenge.

  • Discover new blogs:

As per the challenge’s format, every participant gets a list of blogs to read and share. In the process, you tend to come across some really good blogs with engaging content that you never knew existed in the first place.

  • Boon for your google analytics:

You can mark my words on this, by the end of the challenge month, your google analytics email will unveil great statistics for your blog. This also helps in lifting your blog’s Domain Authority and Page Authority, which is actually a benchmark for a lot of commercial projects.

  • Instils blogging disciplines:

As per the challenge, you don’t just have to read and share blog posts but you also have to write a total of 8 blog posts across the whole month. I went around achieving this number by planning two posts for every week. By the end of the month, since the results are so overwhelming, you are motivated to follow the routine. It pushes you to follow the suit even after the challenge is long over.

  • Networking:

As part of the challenge, you get to interact with a lot of bloggers. The virtual family gets bigger and better. This also helps in making your social media numbers look promising. We all know the significance of authentic followers in this age of social media where every other person is getting down to the business of buying followers.

  • Helps you bag good projects:

There are many blogging campaigns floating around the universe but they all require good DA, PA and Alexa ranks. After the challenge gets over, your blog can boast respectable numbers in all the aforementioned categories. This increases the chances of your blog in bagging good projects commercially.

I hope my experience motivated you to join the Alexa challenge this year. To register for this year’s Alexa campaign click here.




  1. I am participating in Myfriendalexa this year and came across your blog while searching for exactly what kind of challenge is it, who is the winner etc. So basically what i understand is that everyone who can maintain the consistency is a winner. right? Ok so i write publish and share on twitter with the hashtag.. how can i have people actually reading my blog? :/

    • You need to register on the Blogchatter website for this campaign. You can also contact their twitter handle @Blogchatter for more information on this. I have given the link to the registration page in this post itself.

      Hope this helps, see you around.

  2. True! Alexa challenge helped me a lot increasing my reader base. Even long after the challenge ended, people who find the content interesting kept reading my blog. I for one will recommend taking part in #MyFriendAlexa challenge to everyone who has keen interest in writing.

  3. It is getting interesting as we get more views! It is more motivating and I am delighted to wander the blog-o-sphere like never before! I feel enlightened and also my view on writing feels a lot different now. Thanks for this post, I am glad I made this decision to participate even though it is tiring me out! 🙂


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