Weekly Photo Challenge: Forces of Nature
When the sun goes down,
I tend to roar.
I start from the end,
and travel till the shore.In response to The Daily Post's weekly photo challenge: "Forces of Nature."
The Daily Post's weekly photo challenge: "Intricate."
"You curl in me,
I will twirl in you.
Forget the world is watching,
Let us become one"In response to The Daily Post's weekly photo challenge: "Intricate."
WordPress Photo Challenge : Early Bird
To the early mornings,
To the new beginnings.
To you,
To me and to us.My entry for the WordPress Photo Challenge Early Bird
Registered my domain name. Such happiness.
To all my fellow bloggers I am very proud to announce that I have finally registered my domain name under singhruby.com which is obviously powered by Wordpress.I feel on cloud nine and I just...
K for KT (Knowledge Transfer) #AToZChallenge
KT is a regular affair in every IT professional's life. To all who have absolutely no idea about it, KT stands for Knowledge Transfer. The word explains it all and it doesn't have any other...
C for Conference Call #AToZChallenge
Did you hear "If you are the leader press one, speak your name and then press pound". Yes it was meant for that echo only.Conference calls are a vital part of our daily office...
Thundering speed of the Micromax Canvas Tab.
Here is another interesting Happy hour post by Indiblogger. This blog is about various features of Micromax Canvas Tab P666 with Intel Inside. Micromax has always come up with very unique products may it be...
For the love of yellow
In response to The Daily Post's weekly photo challenge: "Yellow."Yellow for me is just not my favorite color but it is an integral part of me. There was a time when I was so...
Dar ke aage actually jeet hai …..
Fear is a state of mind which makes you do things which you should never do. It is fear of losing people, fear of undesirable consequences, fear of society, fear of parents and a...
The momentous role of Chai (tea) and Chai (tea) stall
Tea or Chai is the one of the most popular hot beverages in India. It has a special place in every age group barring the young kids who should still stick to milk. After water...